Correcting Hormone Imbalance with Detoxification

By Lyn Hanshew, M.D.
Environmental toxins such as heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides and volatile organic compounds are more pervasive than ever. From contaminated air and food, to pharmaceutical byproducts in water supplies, as our toxic exposure increases, so does our bio-accumulation of these same toxins. The body has limited ability to metabolize, mobilize and excrete these poisons. Stored toxins negatively impact the neurological, immune and endocrine systems and as significant damage is done, we develop symptoms and disease related to these impaired systems.

Toxic exposure begins in the earliest stages of life as the fetus is contaminated by poisons passing through the placenta. The average newborn in the U.S. has over 206 toxic chemicals present in her tiny body the day of birth. The toxic onslaught continues as poisons are passed from the mother to the newborn via the breast milk. The typical baby and her family are surrounded by poisoned air, food and water. Another major source of contamination is the infant vaccines that still contain Thimerosal, a neurologically-devastating derivative of Mercury used as a preservative in multi-dose vials of vaccines. More and more evidence suggests that Thimerosal is a major factor contributing to the current autism rate of 1/150 children.

This autism rate occurs only in the U.S., where the typical 2 y/o toddler has been inoculated with over thirty-five different vaccines, sometimes with as many as eight administered on the same day. The other common source of Mercury is dental Mercury amalgam. It is estimated that 90% of Americans have Mercury amalgam in their mouths. This carcinogenic, toxic heavy metal off-gasses continuously from the amalgam in the mouth and travels directly via nerve pathways to the brain and throughout the entire body.

?Healthy? 34 y/o Male         
CC: Fatigue, decrease memory and focus
20lb weight gain
Optimal Ranges
    Female Male
Free T4 1.62 0.8 - 1.6 ng/dL 0.8 - 1.6 ng/dL
Free T3 2.35 4.0 - 4.5 pg/mL 4.0 - 4.5 pg/mL
DHEA-SO4 125 >350.0mcg/dL > 450.0 mcg/dL
Estradiol 26 30.0 - 35.0 pg/mL < 35.0 pg/mL
Progesterone <0.3 0.8 - 1.4 ng/mL  0.8 - 1.4 ng/mL
Total Testosterone 231 30.0 - 35.0 ng/dL > 500 ng/dL
The key points of these results are the optimal level of Free T4 with low conversion to Free T3.
Level of DHEA-SO4 is low and there is a toxic shift of DHEA sulfate metabolism to Estradiol, and away from Testosterone and Progesterone. 

Let?s examine symptoms related to a toxically impaired endocrine system. Hormones are messenger molecules that interact with receptors on the cell membranes to instruct the cell as to what to do. Common symptoms/diseases of deficient endocrine function include: Obesity, Diabetes, Hypercholesterolemia, Hyper or Hypo glandular function, Infertility, Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Sexual dysfunction, Decreased libido, Impaired memory, Mood disorder, Sleep disturbance, Decreased cognitive function, Decreased cardiac function, Decrease muscle mass, Decreased bone mass, Osteopenia, Constipation, Cold hands/ cold feet, and more. In conventional allopathic medicine, a patient is told that the ?symptom? she is experiencing (such as one listed previously) is the ?problem?, and ?Oh, have I got a pharmaceutical drug for you!? Pharmaceutical drugs do not correct the problem of poisoned endocrine pathways.

?Healthy? 53y/o Female       
CC: 20lb weight gain, irregular periods, fatigue
Cold hands and feet, decreased memory
Optimal Ranges
    Female Male
Free T4 0.8 0.8 - 1.6 ng/dL 0.8 - 1.6 ng/dL
Free T3 1.62 4.0 - 4.5 pg/mL 4.0 - 4.5 pg/mL
DHEA-SO4 177 >350.0mcg/dL > 450.0 mcg/dL
Estradiol 25 30.0 - 35.0 pg/mL < 35.0 pg/mL
Progesterone 0.33 0.8 - 1.4 ng/mL  0.8 - 1.4 ng/mL
Total Testosterone 43 30.0 - 35.0 ng/dL > 500 ng/dL
The key points of these results are the optimal level of Free T4 with very low conversion to Free T3. 
A low DHEA-SO4 level is present with a toxic shift of DHEA-SO4 metabolism to Testosterone away from Estradiol and Progesterone. 

Let?s examine some poisoned endocrine pathways and how these cause symptoms/diseases. Mercury and other toxic heavy metals are major offenders as mentioned previously. Mercury specifically competes with Magnesium and interferes with all Magnesium-dependent metabolic pathways such as production of energy from ATP and GTP which directly leads to lack of chemical energy. Every cell in the body requires chemical energy derived from ATP or GTP to function, heal and regenerate. If Mercury is present, this cannot occur and results in a long list of symptoms.

Specifically related to hormone production and regulation, Mercury and other toxins prevent the conversion of Free T4 (inactive) to Free T3 (active). The enzyme required for this conversion is the 5?-deiodinase enzyme. This enzyme is inactivated by Mercury, Arsenic, Cadmium and Lead. The conventional allopathic approach to thyroid assessment and treatment is based upon incorrect assumptions. The Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) test has become the allopathic Gold Standard Test for conventional thyroid function assessment. TSH is produced by the Pituitary gland in a negative feedback pathway in relationship to the Free T4 (inactive) level. The fallacy is that TSH production has nothing to do with the activity and production of Free T3 which is the active thyroid hormone. This is called Central Dysregulation, of which every poisoned person in America is a victim.

Every cell in the body requires Free T3 to function and regenerate. What are the symptoms of low Free T3? Obesity, Decreased muscle mass, Hypercholesterolemia, Hyperlipidemia, Decreased memory, Decreased cognitive function, Depression, Anxiety, Sleep disturbance, Constipation, Low Basal Body Temperature, Cold hands/cold feet, Dry skin, Hair loss, Brittle nails, Decreased cardiac function, and Slowed electrical conduction in nerves to list a few. These symptoms quickly resolve with bio-identical supplementation of Free T3 to optimal levels. Free T3 has a short half-life and should be taken twice a day, morning and 8-10 hours later. Lab levels can be rechecked every 4 weeks and blood should be drawn 2 hours after morning dose for a peak level. Optimal range for Free T3 is 4.0-4.5 according to the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine.

Incidentally, the Reference Ranges on lab reports are meaningless to the individual. Any practitioner can tell you the number of times these ?ranges? have been updated or revised. The Reference Range is determined by the most recent series of samples (with 2 standard deviations) from a ?dead and dying? patient population. These ranges are not Optimal Ranges based upon samples from an optimally healthy and functioning patient population. The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine has provided Optimal Ranges for various hormone tests at their seminars. The goal however, is for you to produce your own Free T3 and this is accomplished by effective detoxification using Results RNA? ACZ nano to quickly, safely and inexpensively remove the Mercury and other toxins from the body.

Another critical endocrine aspect is adrenal function. Toxins interfere with proper metabolic pathways involving Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and DHEA sulfate (the stable ester form). Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a major steroidal hormone and precursor that has a broad range of biological effects in humans and other mammals. Together with its sulfate ester (DHEA-S), it is the most abundant steroid in humans. DHEA is produced by adrenal glands, fat cells and also synthesized in the brain. DHEA can be metabolized into other sex hormones, including Testosterone and Estrogens, and up to 150 individual metabolites. Studies have shown that after about age 35, DHEA-SO4 levels begin to decline. DHEA levels are now starting to fall at an earlier age and more rapidly due to the effects of toxins.

The following labs are typical results that I?ve seen in thousands of supposed ?healthy? people who were evaluated for symptoms such as ?feeling stupid, fat and tired.? These people had gone to practitioners who ran the conventional standard tests and told they were ?fine?. When these patients? hormone levels were brought to optimal levels and toxicity was reduced, their symptoms resolved.

It only makes sense that in order for our cells to function, heal and regenerate, we must reduce our toxic body burden by removing the toxins using ACZ nano; to kill the pathogens taking advantage of our compromised immune systems by using ACS 200, and to optimize our hormones levels.


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35. October in Stroke, Medicare records on more than 150,000 people hospitalized for stroke in nine U.S. cities found that an increase in air pollution from the lowest to the highest concentrations was associated with a 1.03 percent increase in incidence.
36 . According to the EPA, Fine-particle pollution causes an estimated 20,000 premature deaths in the United States each year. Further, emissions of nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide from pots form smog and soot and are linked to thousands of premature deaths and illnesses every year.
37 . European Commission, some 9,000 deaths in the UK are caused or hastened by air pollution.
38. Women who live in areas with greater air pollution have a higher susceptibility of developing and dying from coronary heart disease (CHD), according to a multi-decade study accepted today for publication in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP). When ozone combines with particulate matter (PM), women?s risk of fatal CHD can increase up to twofold.
39. Hauffa BP et al 1984
40. Valenti G 2002;
41. Valenti G et al 2004.
42. 30-Nafziger AN et al 1998
43. 31- Pavlov EP et al 1986.

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